Half life 1 deathmatch
Half life 1 deathmatch

half life 1 deathmatch

Mp_limitteams 2 //Sets how many players can a team have over the opposite team. Mp_hostagepenalty 2 //Specifies how many hostages can be killed before players are kicked from the server. Mp_friendlyfire 0 //Toggles friendly fire (teammates cause damage to other teammates). Mp_freezetime 4 //Specifies the freezetime (beginning of round), in seconds. Mp_forcechasecam 0 //Enables or disables team-only mode. Mp_footsteps 1 //Toggles footstep sounds. Mp_flashlight 1 //Let's you allow or disallow the use of the flashlight by pressing the F button Mp_c4timer 30 //Specifies, in seconds, after how much time the C4 bomb will blow up. If enabled, your server will always make sure that teams are balanced and that there is no advantaged team. Mp_autoteambalance 1 //Toggles the team auto-balancing feature. If enabled, your server will automatically kick team killers and idle players. Mp_autokick 1 //Enables or diasables the auto kick feature. After this time elapses, the server will change the map to the next map in the mapcycle.txt file. Mp_timelimit 30 //Specifies the time limit for each map in minutes.

half life 1 deathmatch

Mp_logmessages 1 //Enables or disables logging of chat. Mp_logdetail 0 //Sets what kind of attack information the log should contain, 0 Enemy only, 1 Enemy and Team

  • Refer to the Example Configuration below and change the respective settings where you need to do so in order to configure your server to your desires.
  • Select the 'Text Editor' option next to 'dmc\server.cfg'.
  • Open the 'Configuration Files' section from your control panel.
  • It's easy to configure your Pingperfect Half Life: Deathmatch Classic Server. Half Life: Deathmatch Classic Server Configuration, half life: deathmatch classic server configuration, Half Life: Deathmatch Classic, half life: deathmatch classic, Server Configuration, server configuration Half Life: Deathmatch Classic | Server Configuration

    Half life 1 deathmatch