Arma 3 life best way to make money
Arma 3 life best way to make money

arma 3 life best way to make money

Clayton began hiring small hand mercenaries, and discharged soldiers as muscle. Clayton had no choice but to strike back. Clayton's dealers were being jumped at night, and arrested during the day. This city wide drug trade soon started to become more and more of a concern for the city's police as well as other drug dealers who were being cut out. No one knew Clayton was the ring leader except his childhood friends Aris, and Joshua. It didn't take long for this small group, to grow and become a city wide organization. With this information at hand, Clayton started a small drug dealing organization, based out of his family's guest house. Learning early on, how business works and whats needed to run a successful business. Clayton's father a manipulative business man, forced Clayton to attend weekly youth business classes once high school started. This grew to become a problem as his teenage years approached. Clayton went to a private school, and all his friends shared the same ideals. Being born into a wealthy, empire building family he grew up with no respect for money, or the law.

Arma 3 life best way to make money